Posts Tagged ‘Hulu’

tv head

We finally killed the cable and in 7 days, when we use the ‘clicker’, the tv will register blank.  Mind you, the ginormous, flat screen tv.  With no channels going to it.  Heh.  We made the decision to kill the cable when we realized that even when nothing of interest was on, we would sit in front of the ‘boob tube’ anyway.  Just as a way of tuning out for a time or unwinding from a long day.  The fact is, there are so many other ways to tune out and unwind that the cable company is no longer worthy of our chunk o’ money each month.  Granted, we were giddy with joy when we discovered DVR and paid a tiny extra fee for the service but even then, we realized that all of the stuff we recorded and hoarded, we let stack up and never really watched.   

So in T minus 7 days, we will switch from insanely expensive cable to the super cheap access to Netflix streaming on  the Wii.  Of course, if all else fails, there’s always Hulu.  Now what to do with all that extra cash…