Posts Tagged ‘Food’


Posted: October 8, 2010 in Uncategorized
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flavorI am so captivated by Flavor magazine, a publication we first came across at the Heritage Harvest festival at Monticello in September.  It’s hard to even describe how I feel when looking at the cover of an issue.  We picked up several of them at the festival and it was all I could do to swipe my hand across each cover and smile, just imagining the articles, pictures and recipes that might be waiting for me inside, from cover to cover.  When I finally scanned through that first issue, I realized it was all I thought it would be.  If you are even mildly obsessed with food and you dig agriculture (get it, dig?!) and photography and wine and have a mild interest in where you live than omigosh you must get an issue.  Or subscribe.  Ok, my rant is done.